1. "Photobleaching: A Novel Fluorescence Method for Diffusion Studies in Lipid Systems”, Biochimica at Biophysica Acta 426 (1976): 173-85. 2. “Positron Lifetimes in Phospholipid Dispersions”, Biochimica at Biophysica Acta 466 (1977): 367-72. 3. “Lipid Asymmetry, Clustering and Molecular Motion in Biological Membranes and Their Models”, in S. Abrahamsson and I. Pascher (eds), Nobel Foundation Symposium: Biological Membranes and Their Models (New York: Plenum Press, 1977), 389-407. Note that all these were co-authored with Professor G. K. Radda and others.
1. "The Anti‑Pelagian Structure of ‘Nominalist’ Doctrines of Justification”, Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 57 (1981) 107‑19. 2. “Rectitude: The Moral Foundations of Anselm of Canterbury’s Soteriology”, Downside Review 99 (1981) 204‑13. 3. “‘Augustinianism’? A Critical Assessment of the so‑called ‘Mediaeval Augustinian Tradition’ on Justification”, Augustiniana 31 (1981) 247‑67. 4. “Justification: Barth, Trent and Küng”, Scottish Journal of Theology 34 (1981) 517‑29. 5. “Humanist Elements in the Early Reformed Doctrine of Justification”, Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte 73 (1982) 5‑20. 6. “Justice and Justification. Semantic and Juristic Aspects of the Christian Doctrine of Justification”, Scottish Journal of Theology 35 (1982) 403‑18. 7. “Forerunners of the Reformation? A Critical Examination of the Evidence for Precursors of the Reformation Doctrines of Justification”,Harvard Theological Review 75 (1982) 219‑42. 8. “‘The Righteousness of God’ from Augustine to Luther”, Studia Theologica 36 (1982) 63‑78. 9. “Mira et nova diffinitio iustitiae. Luther and Scholastic Doctrines of Justification”, Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte 74 (1983) 37‑60. 10. “Karl Barth and the articulus iustificationis. The Significance of His Critique of Ernst Wolf within the Context of his Theological Method”,Theologische Zeitschrift 39 (1983) 349‑61. 11. “Homo iustificandus fide. Rechtfertigung, Verkündigung und Anthropologie”, Kerygma und Dogma 29 (1983) 323‑31. 12. “Divine Justice and Divine Equity in the Controversy between Augustine and Julian of Eclanum”, Downside Review 101 (1983) 312‑9. 13. “Homo assumptus? A Study in the Christology of the Via Moderna, with Particular Reference to William of Ockham”, Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 60 (1984): 283‑97. 14. “The Influence of Aristotelian Physics upon St Thomas Aquinas’ Discussion of the Processus Iustificationis“, Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale 51 (1984) 223‑9. 15. “Karl Barth als Aufklärer? Der Zusammenhang seiner Lehre vom Werke Christi mit der Erwählungslehre”, Kerygma und Dogma 30 (1984) 273‑83. 16. “Der articulus iustificationis als axiomatischer Grundsatz des christlichen Glaubens”, Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche 81 (1984) 383‑94. 17. “Some Observations concerning the Soteriology of the Schola Moderna”, Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale 52 (1985): 182‑93. 18. “The Moral Theory of the Atonement. An Historical and Theological Critique”, Scottish Journal of Theology 38 (1985): 205‑20. 19. “John Calvin and Late Medieval Thought. A Study in Late Medieval Influences upon Calvin’s Theological Thought”, Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte 77 (1986): 58-78. 20. “Christology and Soteriology. A Response to Wolfhart Pannenberg’s Critique of the Soteriological Approach to Christology”, Theologische Zeitschrift 42 (1986): 222‑36. 21. “Geschichte, Überlieferung und Erzählung: Überlegungen zur Identität und Aufgabe christlicher Theologie”, Kerygma und Dogma 32 (1986): 234-53. 22. “Karl Barth on Jesus Christ, Theology and the Church”, in Reckoning with Barth: Essays in Commemoration of the Centenary of Karl Barth’s Birth (Oxford: Mowbrays, 1988): 27–42. 23. “Christian Ethics”, in R. Morgan (ed.), The Religion of the Incarnation: Anglican Essays in Commemoration of Lux Mundi (Bristol: Classical Press, 1989), 189–204. 24. “The Eucharist: Reassessing Zwingli”, Theology 93 (1990): 13–20. 25. “Dogma und Gemeinde: Zur soziologische Funktion des christlichen Dogmas”, Kerygma und Dogma (1990): 24–43. 26. Articles “Reformation” and “Martin Luther” in The Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation, ed. J. L Houlden (London: SCM Press, 1990). 27. “The Christology of Hugolino of Orvieto”, in Schwerpunkte und Wirkungen des Sentenzenkommentars Hugolins von Orvieto, ed. K. W. Eckermann (Würzburg: Augustinus-Verlag, 1990), 253–62. 28. “Religion”, in J. W. Yolton et al. (eds), The Blackwell Companion to the Enlightenment (Oxford: Blackwell, 1991), 447-52. 29. Articles on “Justification” and “Cross, Theology of the” for A Dictionary of Paul and His Letters ed. G. F. Hawthorne, R. P. Wallace and D. G. Reid (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1993). 30. Articles on “Justification”, “Sanctification” and “Scholasticism” for Encyclopaedia of the Reformation ed. H. Hillebrandt (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995). 31. “The Transition to Modernity, 1400–1750”, in J. L. Houlden and Peter Byrne, Encyclopaedia of Theology (London: Routledge, 1995). 32. “Theologiae Proprium Subiectum: Theology as the Servant and Critic of the Church”, in W. P. Stephens (ed.), The Bible, The Reformation, and the Church (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1995), 150-65. 33. Articles on “Justification”, “Martin Luther”, “John Calvin”, “Calvinism” and “Lutheranism” in The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 3rd edn (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997). 34. Articles on Gabriel Biel, Martin Bucer, J. H. Bullinger, M. Flacius, A. von Karlstadt, Philip Melanchthon, Johann Oecolampadius, Vadian and Huldrych Zwingli for Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation, ed. John H Hayes (Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1998). 35. “Reality, Symbol and History: Theological Reflections on N. T. Wright’s Portrayal of Jesus”, in Carey C. Newman (ed.), Jesus and the Restoration of Israel: A Critical Assessment of N. T. Wright’s Jesus and the Victory of God (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1999), 159-79. 36. “Profile: Thomas F. Torrance,” Epworth Review 27 (2000): 11-15. 37. “Newman on Justification: An Evaluation,” in Terrance Merrigan and Ian T. Ker (eds), Newman and the Word (Louvain: Peters, 2000), 91-108. 38. “The Origins of A Scientific Theology.” Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 28 (2003): 259-65. 39. “Theologie, Christliche, 4-5: Reformation bis Neuzeit”, in Theologische Realenzyklopädie, ed. Gerhard Krause, Gerhard Müller, and Horst Robert Balz. (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2004). 40. “Intelligibility and Responsibility: The Doctrine of Creation and Modern Science”. China Graduate School of Theology Journal 37 (2004): 103-37. 41. “On Writing a Scientific Theology: A Response to Ross H. McKenzie.”, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 56 (2004), 255-9. 42. “Jesus for Modern Man: The Historical Significance of John Robinson”s Christology”, in Colin Slee (ed.), Honest to God: Forty Years On(London: SCM Press, 2004), 111-32. 43. “A Blast from the Past? The Boyle Lectures and Natural Theology.” Science and Christian Belief 17 (2005): 25-34. 44. “Has Science Eliminated God? Richard Dawkins and the Meaning of Life.” Science and Christian Belief 17 (2005): 115-35. 45. “Spiritual Information and the Sense of Wonder: The Convergence of Spirituality and the Natural Sciences.” In C. L. Harper (ed.), Spiritual Information, edited by Charles L. Harper (Philadelphia: Templeton Foundation Press, 2005), 1-5. 46. “Spirituality and Well-Being: Some Recent Discussions” [Review Article], Brain: A Journal ofNeurology 129 (2006): 278-82. 47. “Darwinism”, in P. Clayton (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Science and Religion (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), 681-96. 48. “The Doctrine of the Trinity: An Evangelical Reflection”, in T. George (ed.), God the Holy Trinity: Reflections on Christian Faith and Practice(Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2006), 17-35. 49. “Theologie als Mathesis Universalis? Heinrich Scholz, Karl Barth, und der wissenschaftliche Status der christlichen Theologie.” Theologische Zeitschrift 63 (2007): 44-57. 50. “Dogma, Identität und soziale Existenz: Kritische Reflexionen über die soziale Funktion der christlichen Dogmatik in der Aufrechterhaltung von Gruppenidentität.” Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kulturgeschichte 2 (2007). 51. “Science and Religion”, in P. Clarke (ed.), The World’s Religions: Continuities and Transformations 2nd edn (London: Routledge, 2008), 609-20. 52. “The secularization of providence: Theological reflections on the appeal to Darwinism in recent atheist apologetics”, in Philip G. Ziegler and Francesca Murphy (eds), The Doctrine of Providence (London: T&T Clark, 2009), 194-208. 53. “The Story of the King James Bible.” In D. G. Burke (eds), Translation that Openeth the Window: Reflections on the History and Legacy of the King James Bible. Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2009), 3-20. 54. “Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen’? Gedanken über die Zukunft der natürlichen Theologie”. Theologische Zeitschrift 65 (2009): 246-60. 55. “The Great Tradition: J. I. Packer and Engaging with the Past to Enrich the Present” in T. George (ed.), J. I. Packer and the Evangelical Future (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2009), 19-27. 56. “Is religion evil?” in William Lane Craig and Chad Meister (eds), God is Good, God is Great: Why Believing in God is Reasonable and Responsible (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2009), 119-33. 57. “Deism or Trinitarianism? The Case of Natural Theology.” A Theology of Japan: Monograph Series, vol. 5. (Tokyo: Seigakuin University Press, 2009), 102-14. 58. “The Shaping of Reality: Calvin and the Formation of Theological Vision.” Toronto Journal of Theology 25 (2009): 187–204. 59. “The ideological uses of evolutionary biology in recent atheist apologetics” in R. Numbers and D. Alexander (eds), Ideology and Biology: From Descartes to Dawkins (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010), 329-49. 60. “Water: A Navigable Channel from Science to God?”, in Ruth M. Lynden-Bell, Simon Conway Morris, John D. Barrow, and John L. Finney (eds), Water and Life: The Unique Properties of H2O (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), 341-52. 61. “Religious Education in Great Britain” [in Japanese]. Published in book form. Tokyo: Kirisuto Shimbun, 2010. 62. “Holy Communion: Its History and Practice” [in Japanese]. Published in book form. Tokyo: Kirisuto Shimbun, 2010. 63. “Gli ateismi di successo: Il nuovo scientismo.” Concilium: rivista internazionale di teologia 46 (2010): 625-37. 64. “Truth, Beauty and Goodness: A New Vision for Natural Theology”, in A. L. C. Runehov, N. H. Gregerson, and J. Wolf (eds), The Human Project in Science and Religion (Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen Press, 2010), 21-38. 65. “Erzählung, Gemeinschaft und Dogma: Reflexionen über das Zeugnis der Kirche in der Postmoderne.“ Theologische Beiträge 41 (2010): 25–38. 66. “De grenzen aan de darwinistische wereldbeschouwing: een filosophisch en religieus perspectief”, in Luc Braeckmans, Willem Lemmens, Mark Nelissen, and Walter van Herck (eds), Darwin en het hedendaage mensbeeld (Antwerp: University Press Antwerp, 2010),113-32. 67. “Faith and Tradition”, in Gerald McDermott (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Evangelical Theology (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010), 81-95. 68. “Evangelicalism and Science”, in Gerald McDermott (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Evangelical Theology (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010), 434-48. 69. “Protestantism”, in David Fergusson, Karen Kilby, Iain Torrance (eds), Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, to be published 2011). 70. “Transcendence and God: Reflections on Critical Realism, the ‘New Atheism,’ and Christian Theology”. In Mervyn Hartwig and Jamie Morgan (eds), Theism, Atheism and Meta-Reality: Realist Perspectives on Spirituality. (London: Routledge, to be published in 2011). 71. “The Natural Sciences and Apologetics”, in Andrew Davison (ed.), Imaginative Apologetics: Theology, Philosophy and the Catholic Tradition(London: SCM Press, to be published 2011). 72. “The Cultivation of Theological Vision: Theological Attentiveness and the Practice of Ministry”. In Pete Ward (ed.), Perspectives on Ecclesiology and Ethnography (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, to be published 2011). 73. “The Lord is my Light: On the Discipleship of the Mind.” Evangelical Quarterly 83 (2011): 000-00. 74. “Anglicanism and Pan-Evangelicalism”, in Mark Chapman (ed.), The Oxford Handbook to Anglican Studies. Oxford University Press, to be published in 2012. 75. “Christianity”. In Mark Cobb, Christina Puchalski, and Bruce Rumbold (eds), The Textbook of Spirituality in Healthcare (Oxford: Oxford University Press, to be published in 2012). 76. “The Church as a Visionary Community: Ecclesiology and Intellectual, Aesthetic, and Moral Discernment.”